Amazonian Field - Introduction
This work, by Anthony Gormley, contained hundreds of clay figures covering the floor of a room. This piece could denote the crowding of the Earth, all the figures were hand-made and were made from the material of the Earth - clay. Every figure just has one feature that make them identifiable as 'human' - eyes. Every figure is looking up at the viewer, making it look like they are appealing for help from the viewer.
Paper Bags - Perceived Reality
In this piece, by Chris Jordan, he layed out 1.14 million brown paper bags, the number of bags used in American supermarkets every hour. Of this display, Jordan said ‘my underlying desire is to affirm and sanctify the crucial role of the individual in a society that is increasingly enormous, incomprehensible, and overwhelming’.
Endless Series - Artist as Explorer and Reflector
"A major concern of Tomas Saraceno’s work is to consider the challenges of the way we live and to develop ideas of fantastical habitable environments floating in the sky that would afford us the freedoms that such a way of life appears to promise." These photos "develop this notion further by depicting a figure in this imagined environment, exploring the possibilities of creating a secure future in this new home."
Doomed - Destruction
This is a video montage of disaster scenes from films. Created by Tracey Moffatt, the work demonstrates the huiman races' fascination of disaster.
400 Thousand Generations - The New (Reality)
This piece, by Mariele Neudecker, "her fragile, constructed realities exist within ‘tanks’, as if they were preserved in stasis, as museum objects, despite the fact that they are slowly but constantly changing".
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