Friday 10 April 2009

drinks advertising: ribena

Ribena -

This advert is about a berries journey, where it tries to make it, against the odds, to a Ribena factory. The whole advert is animated which makes it seem that the advert is targeting a young audience. The advert is action oriented, as the berry gets into near misses with tractors and drains. At the end of the advert there is a voice-over, the tone of the voice is very deep which adds to the comedy value of the advert because its serious but at the same time is a bit over dramatic.

In my opinion the target audience of Ribena is children/teenagers and I think that the visual style of the advert would be appealing to that audience more than others, even though they don’t use a mascot, which is fairly common for products targeting a younger audience. The advert also uses slapstick comedy; when the berry, after travelling all that way, gets squashed by a golf ball. Which is appealing for a young audience.

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