Saturday 1 November 2008

about my cereal

I have decided to create a children’s cereal, for 4-12 year olds, as I feel that designing for this demographic will be more fun and flexible. The images I will use will all be cartoons, and I will be applying a comical theme to it, which is not uncommon for children’s cereal. I will be trying to appeal to both genders, although the end product might be more appealing to boys as I will be using strong contrasting colours and a male mascot.

All the images used will be drawn in Adobe Illustrator, and I will be using bold colours to add to the cartoony effect.

The theme of the cereal will be outer space. The cereal will be corn clusters, representing comets. They will be cinnamon flavour, as that is a very popular choice amongst children. The images on the box will be of the mascot, an astronaut, who is standing outside of his space ship. There will be a maze on the reverse of the product where the user has to find their way out; the walls will be formed of small comets.

I am yet to think of a name for the cereal, but I’m edging towards one that will relate to the theme of the cereal.

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