Friday 29 May 2009

interview mock-up 1

I have uploaded a rough-cut of my interview onto YouTube.

I will be changing the cutaways on this cut, due to the problems we encountered in class.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

cutaway problems

In class we all critted our interviews and came across a problem - we're all using the same cutaways!

So therefore we have set up a new blog where we can put down what cutaways we are each using, then we can settle any clashes we have on there.

Saturday 16 May 2009

colour correcting

We have been told to use this technique on our video clips to enhance the colour. This technique works really well and has brought extra 'life' to my interview. The difference before and after on the shots is vast. This is certainly a technique I will use in future projects.

Friday 15 May 2009


Today I got some feedback from the class on my rough-cut.

I have been told to: add more relevant cutaways to the movie

Make the fade in's and out's equal in length

Have less footage of the interviewee (add more cutaways)

Monday 4 May 2009

editing the footage

As I've been cutting the interview into smaller chunks I've had to cut out a lot of 'erms' and 'umms'. This is quite a tedious task as I'm having to scan through the footage frame by frame so I can cut the audio so it flows and is concise.