Tuesday 24 February 2009

applying a new template

As it states in the brief we have to change the template for the site. I went to www.joomla24.com and browsed through the free templates. I came across one called 'Arausio Macula' and applied, with some difficulty as the server kept crashing, it to the site (http://www.joomla24.com/Joomla_1.5.x_Downloads/Joomla_1.5_Templates/Arausio_Macula_J1.5.html)

The template, however, is in German (or Dutch!)so it makes going through the code a bit harder. However, the Firefox add-on 'Firebug' is a great help and allowed me to change parts of the code. For example the button that says 'top' was in another language and Firebug enabled me to locate that part in the code and change it.

Monday 23 February 2009

creating the favicon

As it states on the brief we had to create a favicon for the site. As I decided to name my site 'All About Typography' I chose the letters 't' and 'y' for the favicon.

I created the image in Adobe Illustrator, the size of the image is 16x16 pixels. The 't' in the image is made-up of a lower and upper case 't' merged together, as is the 'y'. This is what the favicon looks like:

Saturday 21 February 2009

content completed

I have now finished creating all the content for the website, now I just need to add the articles to the relevant menus and add other functionality required, as stated on the brief.

For the most part getting the content was fairly straightforward, finding information on the sixteenth and seventeenth century typographers was a hard find, however.

new project - typography website

We have begun a new project. For this we will be creating a web site about typography. We will be creating the website using the Content Management System (CMS) Joomla.